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Double Digit CTR (For PPC Marketers) Launched!

Posted by James in Affiliate, Conversions, How To, PPC, Traffic

DoubleDigitCTR is live!

Pay per click marketers will really like this because I am revealing the same techniques I have been using to get upwards of $7,189.55 in sales per day using PPC marketing.

The course covers the following:

* How to set up a Google Ad Words campaign to get the best results fast

* Where to find high converting keywords that can make thousands per day

* How to write eyeball grabbing Ads so you get double digit click-thru-rates

* The techniques for turning a losing campaign into a winning campaign

* What to do when you have a winning campaign to leverage it for max profits

* What special free tool you can use to get keywords your competition is not using

* The sneaky secret super affiliates use to protect against spys stealing their campaigns

You get 9 Videos, a concise 60 Page PDF cheat sheet and MP3 recordings

Get Double Digit CTR

(This is a different course to PPC Classroom and a good extra to get)

Tags: affiliate marketing, campaigns, direct linking, double digit ctr, doubledigitctr, eyeball, free tool, google, how to get a good click through rate, james schramko, marketers, pay per click marketing, ppc marketing

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