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Workshops | Web Directions @media


Three great full day workshops to choose from

May 24 Workshops

  • Stephen P. Anderson — Seductive interaction design

May 25 Workshops

  • Andy Clarke — Hardboiled web design
  • Jonathan Stark — Building mobile apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript

Hardboiled Web Design

Presenter: Andy Clarke

Venue: 15 Hatfields, Chadwick Court, London


Date: Wednesday May 25 2011, 9.00am to 5.00pm

Pricing: £299 conference attendees /​ £349 standalone

Register now!

Your only chance to join Andy Clarke for Hardboiled Web Design workshop action in London in 2011!

‘Hardboiled’ offers a fresh perspective on designing for the web — never compromising, always pushing boundaries. It strips markup to the bone and uses HTML5 and CSS3 to the maximum to help make your sites more adaptable to whatever the web might throw at them. Based on the highly acclaimed book Hardboiled Web Design by Andy Clarke, this full-​​day workshop will challenge you, change your approach to web design and give you the tools you need to make hardboiled web design a reality for you, your company and your clients.

Who is this workshop for?

With so many conferences and workshops about about HTML and CSS on offer, do you really need to go to another one? Hardboiled Web Design is different. It’s for designers and developers of websites, both large or small, who want to understand why and how to use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technologies. Not tomorrow or next week, but today. You’ll need to be willing to leave your preconceptions at the door and be hungry to learn.

What you’ll learn

This workshop combines discussions, Q&A and practical sessions.

Morning session:
  • what it means to be ‘hardboiled’
  • re-​​thinking progressive enhancement and graceful degradation
  • the hardboiled web design process
  • making and presenting designs using a web browser
  • hardboiled HTML5 with microformats and WAI-​​ARIA roles
  • getting the best from CSS3 selectors
  • working with Modernizr and Selectivizr
Afternoon session:
  • making the most from CSS3 backgrounds and borders
  • two and three-​​dimensional CSS3 transforms
  • CSS3 transitions and keyframe animations
  • responsive design with CSS3 Media Queries

At the end of the day, you’ll understand

  • why web browsers don’t limit your creativity
  • that websites shouldn’t look, or be experienced the same in every browser
  • how to handle older, less capable browsers
  • that browser differences are creative and business opportunities, not obstacles

And you’ll walk away with extensive notes and hardboiled HTML5 and CSS3 examples that are exclusive to this workshop.

About Andy Clarke

Andy Clarke’s been called many things since he started designing for the web over ten years ago. His ego likes words like “ambassador for CSS”, “industry prophet” and “inspiring”, but he’s most proud that Jeffrey Zeldman once called him a “bastard”. He runs Stuff and Nonsense, a small web design company that specialises in designing highly usable and attractive websites.

Andy’s a renowned public speaker and presents at web design conferences worldwide. He teaches web design techniques and technologies through his own workshop masterclasses, and is the author of two best-​​selling books, Transcending CSS: The Fine Art of Web Design, and more recently, Hardboiled Web Design. He writes a popular blog, And All That Malarkey, mostly about the web.

Follow Andy on Twitter: @malarkey

Seductive Interaction Design

Presenter: Stephen P Anderson

Venue: 15 Hatfields, Chadwick Court, London


Date: Tuesday May 24 2011, 9.00am to 5.00pm

Pricing: £299 conference attendees /​ £349 standalone

Register now!

How can we design interactions that encourage specific behaviors?

As designers, we work hard to provide powerful features in our applications, but if users don’t take advantage, it’s all waste. We have to extend our designer’s toolkit, leveraging the latest thinking from psychology.

In this hands on workshop, Stephen P. Anderson (Poet Painter) will guide you through specific examples of sites who’ve designed serendipity, arousal, rewards, and other seductive elements into their applications, especially during the post-​​signup period, when it’s so easy to lose people. He’ll demonstrate how to engage your users through a process of playful discovery, which is vital whether you make consumer applications or design for the corporate environment.

What will be covered?

We’ll look at ways to:

  • ease users into your application’s features
  • integrate behavioral economics, neuroscience, game mechanics, and rhetoric into your design process
  • leverage your users’ natural curiosity and playfulness to bring your design to the next level
  • Throughout the day you will learn dozens of insights from psychology and how they can be applied to Web design. Through and mix of practical examples and group activities, you will learn:

    • why a clear product story is critical to your product’s success
    • how visual imagery affects perception, attention and responses
    • how language shapes our understanding and decision making
    • ways to apply feedback loops and personal informatics to create a performance-​​based game
    • how even serious business apps can benefit from being more playful and gamelike
    • why it’s dangerous to mix intrinsic motivation with external rewards (and the latest findings on motivation)

    …and other things to consider if you wish to create more seductive interactions.

    Best of all, attendees will be given a free copy of the Mental Notes card deck, which pulls together 52 of the best heuristics, biases, principles and patterns from a variety of human centered disciplines. Groups will use this brainstorming tool to respond to various design challenges created specifically for this workshop.

    Regardless of your current project, the principles taught here can be applied universally. You will walk away inspired, and armed with creative ways to apply different insights into human behavior to the design of your web sites and applications.

    About Stephen P Anderson

    Stephen P. Anderson is an internationally recognized speaker and consultant based out of Dallas, Texas. He recently published the Mental Notes card deck to help product teams apply psychology to interaction design. Between public speaking and project work, Stephen offers workshops to help businesses design fun, playful and effective online experiences. He’s currently writing a book about “seductive interactions” that will be published by New Riders in 2011.

    Follow Stephen on Twitter: @stephenanderson

    Building mobile apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

    Presenter: Jonathan Stark

    Venue: 15 Hatfields, Chadwick Court, London

    SE1 8DJ

    Date: Wednesday May 25 2011, 9.00am to 5.00pm

    Pricing: £299 conference attendees /​ £349 standalone

    Register now!

    Thanks to mobile phones, we have moved from virtually no one having access to information, to virtually everyone having access to the vast resources of the web. This is arguably the most important achievement of our generation. Despite its overarching importance, the mobile web is in its infancy. Physical, technical, financial, and political forces have created platform fragmentation like never before, and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

    Organizations that need to engage large groups are faced with a seemingly impossible challenge – “How do we implement our mobile vision in a way that is feasible, affordable, and reaches the greatest number of participants?” In many cases, the answer is web technologies. The combination of advances in HTML5 and mobile devices has created an environment where even novice developers can build mobile apps that improve – and in some cases, save – lives on a global scale.

    The future of computing is mobile. The future of mobile is web. Why not get started today?

    What will be covered?

    • Interface guidelines for mobile devices
    • Advanced styling with CSS3
    • CSS3 transforms, transitions, and animations
    • Building offline web apps with HTML5
    • Building native web apps with PhoneGap
    • Mobile app architecture options

    Who is this workshop for?

    This workshop is designed for web designers and developers who are interested in creating mobile apps. A basic familiarity with standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript would be very helpful but is not required.

    About Jonathan Stark

    Jonathan Stark is a mobile and web application consultant who the Wall Street Journal has called an expert on publishing desktop data to the web. He is the author of O’Reilly’s Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, is a tech editor for both php|architect and Advisor magazines, and is often quoted in the media on internet and mobile lifestyle trends.

    Jonathan began his programming career more than 20 years ago on a Tandy TRS-​​80 and still thinks Zork was a sweet game.

    Follow Jonathan on Twitter: @jonathanstark


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