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Internet Explorer 8 – are you ready for a CSS renaissance?

Internet Explorer 8 — are you ready for a CSS renaissance?

  • In: Blog
  • By:Maxine
  • September 11, 2008

Because browsers evolve so rapidly, there really is no time to sit back and feel that you already know it all if you are a front end developer. New browsers give you a lot to be excited about with new levels of support for CSS, but at the same time you’ve got to stay up to date with making your designs degrade gracefully in those persistent older browsers.

IE8 being just round the corner definitely means it’s time to do a bit of reading and experimenting. On that topic, check out Rowspans & Colspans in CSS Tables by Kevin Yank over at SitePoint, which provides a taste of what promises to be a controversial new SitePoint book — Everything You Know About CSS Is Wrong!.

And of course, if you’re coming along to Web Directions South, you’ll want to see Jina Bolton’s session — Creating Sexy Style Sheets.

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