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Know anyone who might be interested in presenting on cloud computing at Web Directions South this year?

  • In: Blog
  • By:Maxine
  • April 14, 2009

John and I are keen to do a “briefing” on cloud computing in the Business track at Web Directions this year — see below for a description of the way we’d see this session going. We’d like to find someone who could present this session without necessarily emphasizing any of the specific cloud computing solutions that are out there. Please do get in touch if you’d be keen to present on this topic yourself, or know anyone we should contact.

Cloud Computing — Ready for Prime Time?

Cloud computing is on the lips of CIOs, IT managers, web professionals — you’ll even see it advertised on street hoardings in San Francisco. But what exactly is it? What has people excited? Is it mature enough to be put into use today, or simply an exciting concept not quite ready for prime time?

Above all, what relevance does it have to web professionals?

In this session, you’ll

  • get an overview of exactly what cloud computing is, and isn’t
  • understand the benefits and challenges associated with cloud computing
  • get an overview of the major solutions available today of relevance to web professionals
  • get an understanding of what kinds of application benefit from a cloud approach
  • get an understanding of the criteria used for selecting a cloud solution for particular kinds of projects

Your opinion:


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