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Jason Cranford Teague – 2010: The Year of Web Typography

Jason Cranford Teague — 2010: The Year of Web Typography

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • November 17, 2010

Web Directions USA 2010, Loews Atlanta Hotel, September 24 11.10am.

  • Presentation slides
  • Additional resources
  • Session description
  • About Jason Cranford Teague

Presentation slides

Session description

For almost 15 years, Web designers have had a list of 10 “Core Web fonts” to choose from. Many ask, “Why can’t I just download a font file from my Web server the same way I can an image?” Well, actually, you can. The verbiage for font linking is a little different than images, but the syntax for Webfont linking has been around for over 10 years as a part of the CSS standard. Web typography expert Jason Cranford Teague shows you how to apply the principles of fluid typography, to choose, find and use Webfonts and create your unique typographic voice. Come and find out why 2010 is going to be the year of Web typography.

About Jason Cranford Teague

Jason recently took over as the Managing Director of UX & Design for Forum One, an interactive agency that helps people apply technology in creative ways to build a positive future. He has been at the for front of Web design for over 16 years as a designer, writer and teacher. His many books include CSS3 Visual Quickstart, Fluid Web Typography and Speaking in Styles: The Fundamentals of CSS for Web Designers.

Jason has also worked with the W3C CSS Workgroup, Yuri's Night: The World Space Party, and was the Director of Web Design Standards for AOL. He recently served as the Sr. Design Manager for Marriott International eCommerce, where he helped relaunch, the 7th largest transaction site on the Web.

Read more about Jason on his blog

Follow Jason on Twitter: @jasonspeaking

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