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Does your real estate website earn its pay?

Written by Kevin Harper    Too many real estate agents and brokers settle for website solutions that just don't "earn their pay" by producing qualified leads. If you view your website as an overhead expense rather than a powerful lead generating machine, you have this Internet thing all wrong. The days of website-as-billboard are over. You need a website that works around the clock to bring more listings and more buyers to your inbox. If yours just sits there looking pretty (or not), then let's be frank here; it's probably just sucking your bank account dry every month.

Qualified leads around the clock

Your website should be producing qualified home buyer leads and qualified listing leads around the clock for you.  If it's not, I have some good news - it's much easier to fire your website than to fire an employee. If your website isn't a top producer for your real estate business, you need to fire it today and make a committment right now to get it working properly. Even if you don't use our services, you owe it to yourself to get a website that does more than just sit there.

Search engines are mission-critical

After all, your prospects are not just sitting there, they are doing something very predictable. They are searching the Internet for homes, and for information about selling their home. If your website isn't showing up in search engine results, then I have news for you - you're not going to get many visitors to your website. Without visitors, of course, you won't have the one thing your website needs to earn its place as a top producer...leads. In today's competitive real estate market, savvy Internet marketers are all over the web to lure leads away from your site. The only way for real estate agents and brokers to compete is to go head to head and develop compelling websites that motivate leads to contact them.

Converting visitors into leads

We specialize in converting your visitors to leads. The agent who gets that initial contact has a distinct advantage. If you are diligent about establishing a relationship with leads that come in from your site, there is no limit to how many new clients you could start winning. When I was director of marketing for a growing architectural firm, I designed our website to be more than a billboard. I wanted it to show up on the search engines, and further, I wanted it to be a useful resource to our target audience. I wanted visitors to leave with the question, "How can I NOT hire this firm?" Most importantly, I wanted visitors to contact me. This approach worked extremely well, producing leads and prestigious projects for our firm from around the world. Now, as head of Top Seller Sites, I'm able to put that knowledge to use for you. Our job is to design a website application that (a) helps to bring you new visitors through search engine friendly (SEF) design, and (b) takes your website visitors through the following process:
  • Visitor
  • Reader
  • Lead
If you're a real estate agent, that's the exact process you want your website visitors to be walked through. You want the passive visitor to your site to actually read it and realize that he or she (a) has nothing to lose by contacting you, and (b) owes it to himself or herslf to do it. I'd like to offer you a free consultation to discuss ideas for bringing in visitors to your website and converting them to leads. Then it's up to you to convert your new lead stream into clients. Here's how to get started:

Request a no-obligation proposal

If you would like to turn your agent or broker website into a top producing source for real estate leads, I would be happy to present you with a proposal customized specifically for your needs. There is no obligation. Give me a chance to explain to you what I can do for your real estate business, and that's all I can ask. To get started, you can choose one of the following:
  • Request a no-obligation proposal
  • Drop me an This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
  • Or give me a call: Kevin Harper (208) 249-8893
I look forward to talking to you!

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