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Articles - Real Estate Websites | Real Estate Marketing

Written by Kevin Harper   

A website is only as good as the words on the page. Without words, your site is virtually invisible to search engines. Because search engines have become the gatekeepers of the world's information, it is imperitive that a real estate agent's website contain more than pretty pictures and boilerplate content. If your site is going unnoticed by the search engines, it is probably going unnoticed by your potential clients as well.

You'd have to have lived under a rock not to know the value of the Internet in marketing your real estate business. But simply putting a webpage out there doesn't really constitute brilliant marketing, any more than sticking a sign on the front of your place of business. That's the bare minimum you need to do, but frankly, everyone else is already doing that.

Read more... Written by Kevin Harper   

A website is only as good as the words on the page. Without words, your site is virtually invisible to search engines. Because search engines have become the gatekeepers of the world's information, it is imperitive that a websites contain more than pretty pictures and boilerplate content. If your site is going unnoticed by the search engines, it is probably going unnoticed by your potential clients as well.

You'd have to have lived under a rock not to know the value of the Internet in marketing your business. But simply putting a webpage out there doesn't really constitute brilliant marketing, any more than sticking a sign on the front of your place of business. That's the bare minimum you need to do, but frankly, everyone else is already doing that.

Read more... Written by Kevin Harper    Too many real estate agents and brokers settle for website solutions that just don't "earn their pay" by producing qualified leads. If you view your website as an overhead expense rather than a powerful lead generating machine, you have this Internet thing all wrong. The days of website-as-billboard are over. You need a website that works around the clock to bring more listings and more buyers to your inbox. If yours just sits there looking pretty (or not), then let's be frank here; it's probably just sucking your bank account dry every month.

Qualified leads around the clock

Your website should be producing qualified home buyer leads and qualified listing leads around the clock for you.  Read more...


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