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Aarron Walter – Learning to Love Humans: Emotional Interface Design

Aarron Walter — Learning to Love Humans: Emotional Interface Design

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • November 17, 2010

Web Directions USA 2010, Loews Atlanta Hotel, September 23 10.45am.

  • Presentation slides
  • Session description
  • About Aarron Walter

Presentation slides

Session description

Humans, though cute and cuddly, are not without their flaws, which makes designing for them a challenge. By understanding how the wet, mushy processor works in these hairy little devils, you can design interfaces and web experiences that will have them hopelessly devoted to your brand.

In this talk, Aarron Walter will introduce you to the emotional usability principle – a design axiom that identifies a strong connection between human emotion and perceived usability. Through real-​​world examples, you’ll learn practical interface design techniques that will make your websites and applications more engaging to the humans they serve.

About Aarron Walter

By day, Aarron Walter is the mild-mannered lead user experience designer for MailChimp, and by night he leads a team of education crusaders in The Web Standards Project who are the magic behind The WaSP InterACT curriculum.

Aarron is the author of Building Findable Websites: Web Standards, SEO, and Beyond, and is a co-author and project manager of the book InterACT With Web Standards: A holistic approach to Web design.

Follow Aarron on Twitter: @aarron.

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