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Daniel Davis – Widgets: Why should I care?

Daniel Davis β€” Widgets: Why should I care?

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • November 1, 2010

Web Directions South 2010, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, October 14 1.40pm.

  • Audio recording of session
  • Presentation slides
  • Session description
  • About Daniel Davis

Presentation slides

Coming soon.

Session description

When I was a young lad, I had the use of a computer for the Christmas holidays so I typed out my thank you letters and felt super cool. Unfortunately there was no printer. I wrote out by hand what was on the screen and got laughed at by my dad. Despite this, I felt I was ahead of the crowd and at the start of something new and exciting. Thirty years later, I feel we’re at the same stage with widgets – at the start of something new and exciting.

About Daniel Davis

Daniel is the Web Evangelist for Opera's Japan office based in Tokyo. His previous work experience includes project management, IT training, web development, software development and system administration in both Japan and the UK, his home country. After studying Japanese and Chinese at university, he grew more and more interested in the flourishing field of IT and the web, learning as much as he could by playing and experimenting with internet-related technologies. His current work promoting web standards and cross-device web development at Opera fits in perfectly with his ideology of openness and equality across linguistic, social and socio-economic borders.

Follow Daniel on Twitter: @ourmaninjapan

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