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Marketing Home Care: Have You Ever Thought About a Niche in Internet Communications? Or….

I found this article in the New York Times online. Interesting take on seniors using the internet to stay connected, especially those who are homebound perhaps, but able to easily communicate and contribute given the opportunity. I would encourage everyone to read this important article. Which gives me an idea—I think we just found our next territory exclusive program for home care providers and maybe even some reverse mortgage professionals out there.

Boy, you aren’t going to want to miss this Fall’s POWER MARKETING CONFERENCE. It’s only June and we are almost sold out, so get off your duff and get registered. Your competition might be there….hmmmmm.

Online, ‘a Reason to Keep on Going’

 Here’s the link to the original article:


Published: June 1, 2009

Like many older people, Paula Rice of Island City, Ky., has grown isolated in recent years. Her four grown children live in other states, her two marriages ended in divorce, and her friends are scattered. Most days, she does not see another person.

FAR FROM LONELY Paula Rice, 73, had been “dying of boredom” before discovering social networking sites. She spends up to 14 hours a day on the sites.  But Ms. Rice, 73, is far from lonely. Housebound after suffering a heart attack two years ago, she began visiting the social networking sites, an online community for aging baby boomers, and (she is a former police dispatcher). Now she spends up to 14 hours a day in online conversations.

“I was dying of boredom,” she said. “Eons, all by its lonesome, gave me a reason to keep on going.”

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