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Matt Balara – Flogging design: best practices in online shop design

Matt Balara — Flogging design: best practices in online shop design

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • October 22, 2010

Web Directions South 2010, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, October 14 2.40pm.

  • Audio recording of session
  • Session description
  • About Matt Balara

Session description

Considering how many businesses depend upon the web for their income, it’s shocking how poorly designed most shops are. Not only aesthetically, but also as far as ease of use, retail psychology and user experience are concerned. How can we design better shops? If customers enjoy shopping more, won’t our clients earn more? Can forms be fun? What’s the psychology behind online purchases? How can online and offline buying experiences be harmonised? Matt Balara will share some of his 15 years of experience designing web sites, the vast majority of which have sold something or other.

About Matt Balara

Matt Balara is a freelance web designer, was a child prodigy violinist and is unintentionally bilingual, all of which has been vitally important to his success in designing for the web since 1993. Despite years of experience, he still can’t understand why so many websites are so useless and ugly.

Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattBalara

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