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Michael Mahemoff – HTML5: Online and Offline

Michael Mahemoff — HTML5: Online and Offline

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • October 23, 2010

Web Directions USA 2010, Loews Atlanta Hotel, September 24 10.10am.

  • Audio record­ing of session
  • Presentation slides
  • Session descrip­tion
  • About Michael Mahemoff

Presentation slides

The pre­sen­ta­tion slides are avail­able on Michael’s web­site.

Session descrip­tion

HTML5 intro­duces sev­eral so-​​called “offline” tech­nolo­gies: appli­ca­tion caching, local stor­age, and file access, to name a few. But these tech­nolo­gies are not just for purely offline apps; they boost startup per­for­mance, over­come net­work out­ages, and par­ti­tion con­tent away from the server. This talk will explain how you can incor­po­rate these tech­nolo­gies into your work today and iden­tify the fea­tures browsers will be sup­port­ing in the near future.

About Michael Mahemoff

Michael Mahemoff is a Chrome Developer Advocate for Google, based in London, always looking at ways to make the web a more habitable place for users and developers alike. He’s been programming on the web since the mid ’90s, in a range of public-facing and enterprise (Java, what else?) contexts, and is the author of Ajax Design Patterns (O’Reilly, 2006) and a blogger for Server side, he’s mostly a Ruby, PHP, and NodeJS guy and sushi is his preferred coding fuel. Michael holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne, covering software design patterns for improving user experience.

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