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Myles Eftos – Building mobile web apps

Myles Eftos — Building mobile web apps

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • October 23, 2010

Web Directions South 2010, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, October 15 1.40pm.

  • Audio record­ing of session
  • Presentation slides
  • Example code
  • Session descrip­tion
  • About Myles Eftos

Presentation slides

Session descrip­tion

There is no deny­ing that the Apple App Store is huge, but who wants to have to deal with Objective-​​C? Thankfully, tech­nolo­gies like PhoneGap and Sencha allow web devel­op­ers to work in lan­guages they know (HTML/​CSS/​JavaScript) while still mak­ing them look native. PhoneGap also allows us to port our apps to other plat­forms, like Android.

This ses­sion will look at the mobile web devel­op­ment life­cy­cle from build­ing a pro­to­type in the browser, inte­gra­tion with the phone, app sub­mis­sion and some basic mar­ket­ing tricks.

About Myles Eftos

Myles is a Perth-based Web developer who feels as at home building INNER JOINS as he does calculating the specificity of CSS selectors. He has worked in all the major web languages, with his weapon of choice being Ruby on Rails. During his 8-years in the industry, working under the moniker of MadPilot Productions, he has worked with pretty much everyone in Perth. He started 220, a cooperative workspace in Leederville and currently has a position on the committee of the Australian Web Industry Association.

Follow Myles on Twitter: @madpilot

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