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Paul Irish | Web Directions East 2010

Paul Irish

Paul Irish is a front-end developer and user experience designer. He is on Google Chrome's Developer Relations team. He is also a member of the jQuery Developer Relations team as well as a host of the yayQuery Podcast about Javascript.

He develops the HTML5/CSS3 feature detection library Modernizr, HTML5 Boilerplate, and other bits and bobs of open source code.

Paul is passionate about finding ways for regular web developers to be more effective and adopt things like HTML5 and CSS3 in their work today.

Follow Paul on Twitter @paul_irish

Session: HTML5 for Web Apps, in depth and cross-browser

HTML5 and friends have been getting implemented in browsers at an impressively quick pace. But that leaves us as web developers wondering, “Great, but how am I supposed to build cross-browser applications with these features when I still have to support IE”.

We’ll break down HTML5 into categories of features: some implementable today, others reserved for hackers. We’ll go into how to handle older browsers by providing them with today’s features or discussing how to convince your clients to let the experience be different.

You’ll walk away knowing how and what to implement from HTML5 confidently, and have the tools and resources necessary to develop to equip your team as HTML5 heroes.



Progressive Advancement, by way of progressive enhancement

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