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Bruce Lawson | Web Directions East 2010

Bruce Lawson

Bruce evangelises Open Web Standards for Opera. Heโ€™s currently working with the British Standards Institution to draft the new Standard for commissioning accessible web sites and writing a book about HTML5. Previously, heโ€™s been front-end technical lead for the Law Society and Solicitors Regulation Authority web sites, tutor to a princessโ€™ daughter in Thailand, a movie extra in Bombay, and a tarot card reader in Istanbul. He blogs at, drinks Guinness and is training for a blue belt in kickboxing.

Follow Bruce on Twitter @brucel

Session: Be an Iron Chef of HTML5

The secret of great cookery is knowing your ingredients and how they combine. This talk will give you an idea of what's possible with HTML5, with examples of how things work together so you can understand what they can do and how they can interact.

Then you can go and combine these ingredients in your own new recipes for incredible new web apps.

We'll look at some new markup, HTML5 Forms, <canvas>, <video> and how it can work with canvas, Geolocation and how to use it right, in-browser storage and making applications that work offline.

There will be code on the slides for developers, but it's not a code-heavy talk. I will show you how HTML5 makes some things you do already easier and better, and how it brings brand new functionality to the open web that previously we've needed plugins for or have been impossible.

Workshop โ†’ HTML5: semantics and structure



The Future of HTML5 by Bruce Lawson, at FOWA conference, 2009.


Bruce lawson-over-the-air

View more presentations from Bruce Lawson.


Introducing HTML5 (Voices That Matter) Web Accessibility: Web Standards and Regulatory Compliance


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