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Jonathan Stark | Web Directions East 2010

Jonathan Stark

Jonathan Stark is a mobile application consultant who the Wall Street Journal has called an expert on publishing desktop data to the web.

Jonathan is the author of “Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript” and “Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript” which are both available from O’Reilly.

Follow Jonathan on Twitter @jonathanstark

Session: Building Mobile Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Explore an alternative approach to creating mobile apps. The free PhoneGap framework lets you build native iPhone apps using just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — a technique that also lets you create Android and Blackberry apps from the very same code base.

Discover the pros and cons of this approach as you learn to create native-looking animations with jQTouch and hook into advanced iPhone features (accelerometer, GPS, vibration, and sound) without ever touching Objective-C.

Workshop → Building Mobile Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript



Building Mobile Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

View more presentations from Jonathan Stark.


Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript iPhoneアプリケーション開発ガイド ―HTML+CSS+JavaScript による開発手法 Building Android Apps With HTML, CSS, and Javascript


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