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2009 April 17 | Social Media Marketing for Elder Care, Home Care, and Senior Service Marketing

We had a discussion today about our true level of capacity for new clients enrolled in the “Done-For-You” program.

Right now, we have decided to only take 9 more clients. In 45 days we will take a new group of enrollees- still limited in number, but at double the price.

That’s right, I’m finally following through and raising our prices. We originally said the prices would go up in February….didn’t do it them.

As you can imagine, there is a lot of demand for our program, and anyone who is enrolled can tell you that we do an amazingly large and time consuming amount of work for each client.

Social media marketing is a wonderful opportunity for you as a business owner to build relationships that bloom into clients, referrals, and an increased bottom line. The process takes a little time and requires a LOT of personality and commitment!

People who enroll for our program don’t have a lot of time to do what WE do for them. We are their “virtual assistants”, building relationships online for them every day.

A lot of clients are watching, learning, participating, and asking great questions! That makes this job worth EVERY minute for us. We encourage everyone to learn how it works.

We hold monthly private webinars to teach participants HOW we do WHAT we do….so that in the future they will know exactly how to build community relationships on their own.

Some ask us about the Return on Investment- and the answer is more complicated than this, but here’s a quick response: “What is the ROI of a handshake and a smile at a local networking event?”


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