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Backup, Backup, Backup | Internet Marketing Speed

Backup, Backup, Backup

Posted by James in News

This is an extract from the email I received when I woke up this morning:


I regret to inform you that the server listed above has been rooted. …… This means that the hard drive will be completely erased and a new (and updated) copy of the operating system (the OS) will be installed….. Because this involves completely erasing the hard drive, it is critical that backups exist before we take this step… It is vital that you notify us where your backups are stored before we proceed with the OS reload…. Failure to notify us of the location of the backups may result in them being deleted. …”

Well luckily I did have a daily backup on a different hard drive and if you are reading this blog then it worked. The site was down for about 12 hours so apologies if you came here and got an error message. I missed a lot of sales over 300 plus sites but at least I don’t have to re-build them all from scratch.

I do have several other servers and it was business as usual for the other sites. So the lesson here is… it WILL happen. Make sure you have backup and secure passwords. Backup everything. Your PC, your Server, your sites etc… I also want to thank hostgator for fixing it. They are excellent.

Tags: backup backup backup, backup your hardrive, error message, hard drive, hostgator, hostgator review, passwords

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