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LTCEP ‘s Alzheimer’s Disease National Network of Providers Welcomes ComForcare of Riverside County (Palm Springs), Owner Lisa Blaskie

St. Louis, Missouri – LTCEP's Alzheimer's Disease National Network of Providers officially welcomes Lisa Blaskie, Owner of ComForcare Senior Services in Palm Springs, California to the network.

The LTCEP Network consists of groups of providers across the U.S. and Canada who specialize in certain types of care.  Visit their website at

"Our first group of providers are those who specialize in home care services for those suffering from dementia, memory loss, or Alzheimer's Disease. We will also be focusing on Assisted Living facilities who offer this specialty, along with many other elder care and senior service providers nationwide and in Canada." says Valerie VanBooven, RN, BSN, Managing Partner of LTC Expert Publications LLC.

Lisa Blaskie operates two highly visible and well respected ComForcare offices in California.  We are pleased to have her on board in both San Francisco and Palm Springs (Riverside County).

ComForcare Alzheimer's Website: ,  Toll Free: (888) 227-8685

Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia can affect every aspect of a person's life. It can diminish the ability to understand, reason, and communicate; it can alter behavior, emotions and moods and it can have detrimental effects on physical health.

ComForcare can help preserve the quality of life of a person with Alzheimer's by providing the respectful, dignified care a person living with Alzheimer's requires, in the familiar surroundings of home.

ComForcare's dependable caregivers are specially trained to care for clients with Alzheimer's in a compassionate manner that protects their privacy, dignity and quality of life in all stages of the disease.

They understand that routine and familiarity are important and are prepared to handle the changing moods and behaviors that can accompany the disease.

Their caregivers can provide the following services, and many others, during their visits:

    * Safety supervision

    * Mind-stimulating activities such as games and discussions

    * Social interaction opportunities

    * Support with activities that maximize independence

    * Nutritious meal preparation

    * Assistance with personal hygiene and grooming

ComForcare Alzheimer's Website: ,  Toll Free: (888) 227-8685


LTCEP (LTC Expert Publications LLC) is a social media marketing and consultation firm with offices in St. Louis and Boston, specializing in home care, assisted living, adult day services, senior housing, reverse mortgages, long-term care insurance and many other types of senior service providers. Valerie VanBooven RN BSN and George Novoson are the owners and managing partners of LTCEP. For more information contact Valerie at or Visit their websites at,,


Posted via email from Marketing Elder Care and Marketing Senior Services


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