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Seb Chan on Web Directions

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • September 12, 2010

One of our favourite Australian digital/​web folks, Seb Chan, has this to say about Web Directions today

Web Directions South is an event we always try to send team mem­bers along to to expand their tech­ni­cal and con­cep­tual knowl­edge of where the web is head­ing. Paula’s going to be cov­er­ing a broad range of Powerhouse activ­i­ties and ini­tia­tives and encour­ag­ing devel­op­ers to con­sider cul­tural datasets when they are exper­i­ment­ing with new projects. Paula’s in great com­pany with some our teams’ favourite web peo­ple are speak­ing there this year.

On the Saturday (October 16), the Powerhouse is the venue for Web Directions’ Amped – a free ‘hack day’ with spe­cial guests from Web Directions and lots of chal­lenges and prizes. If you work with data, are a web designer and work on the web, or are a devel­oper then reg­is­ter and come along as there’ll be lots of great things going on and some great micro-​​talks as well.

We’re huge fans of the pow­er­house here at Web Directions, con­stantly rethink­ing what a museum is, open­ing up their cat­a­logs, engag­ing their audi­ence as active par­tic­i­pants, which Paula will be detail­ing in her presentation.

So, if you’ve not singed up yet, for Amped (which is free) at PowerHouse, or Web Directions South — then you’ve still got a lit­tle time, but the dis­count period ends next Friday, so get a move on!

Your opinion:


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