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The McFarlane Prize for Australian web design – nominations now open

The McFarlane Prize for Australian web design — nominations now open

  • In: Blog
  • By:Maxine
  • August 25, 2010

Nominations for the McFarlane Prize for excel­lence in Australian web design have just opened. So, if you’re respon­si­ble for a web site launched or sig­nif­i­cantly updated since September 20 2009 which you think deserves recog­ni­tion for its adher­ence to web stan­dards and acces­si­bil­ity, as well as its great usabil­ity and visual design, now is the time!

Nominations close on September 21, the short­list will be announced on October 7, and then the McFarlane Prize will be awarded at Web Directions South on October 14.

Founded in 2006, in mem­ory of the late Nigel McFarlane, The McFarlane Prize is awarded to an Australian designer or team for a site launched or sig­nif­i­cantly upgraded between September 20th 2009 and September 21 2010. Sites may be designed for Australian or non Australian indi­vid­u­als, organ­i­sa­tions, com­pa­nies or gov­ern­ments, but must be designed and devel­oped by an indi­vid­ual or team which works in Australia for an Australian com­pany, or by Australian cit­i­zens or per­ma­nent res­i­dents. Anyone may nom­i­nate a site, and there is no cost for nom­i­nat­ing or being nom­i­nated for the prize.

We’re very proud of the prize, the way it has grown over the years, and in par­tic­u­lar the way it has pro­vided inspi­ra­tion to Australian web design­ers and devel­op­ers to push for “the things that mat­ter” about the web within their organ­i­sa­tion and on their projects. We’re very much look­ing for­ward to some more great sub­mis­sions again this year — be sure to get that nom­i­na­tion in by September 21.

Your opinion:


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