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Introducing Amped, the hackday, reloaded coming to Atlanta and Sydney

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • August 23, 2010

When you hear about the lat­est web tech­nolo­gies and tech­niques do you ever think “damn, I wish I could play with these right now”?

Enter Amped — the Hackday, reloaded.

We’ve taken the tra­di­tional hack day, pulled it apart, thought long and hard about what’s great, what’s not so great, and how as many dif­fer­ent kinds of web folks can come together for one intense 10 hour period of hack­ing, design­ing and mak­ing amaz­ing things.

Then we’ve assem­bled all the pieces to cre­ate an event that’s chal­leng­ing, inspi­ra­tional, and more fun that it should be legal to have with technology.

Amped USA fol­lows Web Directions USA, in Atlanta, Georgia Saturday September 25th. Amped AU fol­lows Web Directions South, in Sydney, Australia, Saturday October 16th. Both are free — but sign up now as places will go fast.

Whether you’re a devel­oper, designer, an IA, IxD, what­ever your role, at Amped you’ll find

  • chal­lenges to engage you
  • men­tors to inspire you and bring out your best
  • prizes includ­ing an all expenses paid trip for Tokyo for Web Directions East for the top FOUR place getters
  • A sen­sa­tional clos­ing party

Not only that, but Amped is catered, with food and drink to keep you ener­gized through­out the day.

And best of all, thanks to our gen­er­ous part­ners, Amped is free.

How does it work?

Step 1 — sign up. Places will go fast!

Step 2 — in the weeks lead­ing up to Amped, we’ll let you know more about the chal­lenges, so you can be pre­pared to hit the ground run­ning on the day

Step 3 — turn up ready to rock on the day

The chal­lenges will help pro­vide struc­ture to your work on the day — you’ll be able to choose from a range of pos­si­ble chal­lenges focussing on front end design and devel­op­ment, inter­ac­tion design, data and infor­ma­tion visu­al­i­sa­tion, back end devel­op­ment, mobile web appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment and more.

Each chal­lenge area will have men­tors on hand to help you, and there’ll be prizes for the best work on each challenge.

Then, the win­ners from each chal­lenge go into the Amped smack­down — with the over­all win­ners off to Tokyo for an all expenses paid trip to Web Directions East

Then it all wraps up with a fan­tas­tic party — food and drink, music and more.

It’s free, fun, and open to every­one, but places are lim­ited, and will go fast. So reg­is­ter now, and clear your diary for Saturday September 25 [Atlanta] or October 16 [Sydney].

Your opinion:


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