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Aral Balkan – The Art of Emotional Design

Aral Balkan — The Art of Emotional Design

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • August 14, 2010

Web Directions @media 2010, Southbank Centre London, June 11 2.40pm.

  • Audio record­ing of session
  • Session descrip­tion
  • About Aral Balkan

Session descrip­tion

Most apps suck. Making an app that doesn’t suck is hard work and requires uncom­pro­mis­ing focus. We call apps that don’t suck “usable”. However, in the Age of User Experience, mak­ing apps that are merely usable is no longer good enough.

So how can you go beyond mak­ing usable apps to cre­at­ing excep­tional expe­ri­ences that evoke pow­er­ful emo­tions in users?

In this inspi­ra­tional ses­sion, Aral will offer you an impas­sioned glimpse into his approach of author­ing apps that peo­ple find joy­ful and fun; apps that peo­ple fall in love with.

Delight, story, empa­thy, char­ac­ter, voice, beauty, fun, and play are just some of the top­ics that will be cov­ered and illus­trated with exam­ples from Aral’s decade-​​long expe­ri­ence in author­ing web, Flash, desk­top, and mobile apps, includ­ing his lat­est top-​​selling iPhone app, Feathers.

About Aral Balkan

Aral Balkan is an independent interaction designer and developer with over a decade of experience in creating web, Flash, desktop, and mobile applications. His latest iPhone app, Feathers, was featured by Apple as “New and Notable” and reached #1 in the What’s Hot list in the US. It is often cited as an example of beautiful, emotional design. Aral aims to build beautiful, empathic apps that create joy and delight. He shares his experiences, frustrations, and joys via his blog, tweets, and the numerous keynotes and talks he gives around the world every year.

Follow Aral on Twitter: @aral

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