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Learn CSS3 with John Allsopp

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • August 16, 2010

Hot on the heels of my recent HTML5 course with SitePoint, is our new CSS3 Live course, start­ing today, August 16. It fea­tures screen­casts, exer­cises, arti­cles, and live streamed FAQs, and runs for 3 weeks.

We cover selec­tors, prop­er­ties, media queries, and more in real depth — so if you’re com­fort­able with CSS, and want to really get up to speed with CSS3, I promise this will do it for you.

And it’s just $14.95.

Plus, I’ve lined up all kinds of good­ies for atten­dees, so you could save many times the cost on con­fer­ence tick­ets, books and software.

If you are at all inter­ested in get­ting more acquainted with CSS3, then do check it out. HTML5 was a lot of fun, and I know this course will be as well


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