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HTML5 Live, a two week online course from John

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • July 22, 2010

A quick note to all that with SitePoint, a fan­tas­tic com­mu­nity for web design­ers and devel­op­ers, and pub­lisher of many excel­lent design and devel­op­ment books, I’ll be run­ning a two week course, online start­ing next Monday on HTML5. And best of all, it’s only $US9.95 (yep, less than a tenner!)

Here’s how it works.

Each day, there’s a new les­son, which should take an hour or so of your time, fea­tur­ing in depth arti­cles, videos, screen­casts, and hands on exer­cises. Then on Fridays there’s two, 1 hour live Q and A ses­sions (timed so that at least one will be at a rea­son­able hour for you wher­ever you are in the world). There’s also an attendee only forum

If you’re not sure whether HTML5 is ready for prime time, then rest assured the course is all about real world, prac­ti­cal solu­tions using HTML5, as well as back­ground infor­ma­tion to help you decide which aspects of the lan­guage are use­ful for you right now (trust me plenty is).

This is going to be a fan­tas­tic course, and I’m really look­ing for­ward to it. So if you can find an hour a day for the next two weeks, you can be right on top of HTML5 before you know it.

Your opinion:


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