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Product Launch Formula Blueprint | Internet Marketing Speed

Posted by James in News

Finally Jeff released the product launch formula blueprint. The details are excellent as he steps you through the tools you can use for a product launch and much more.

Another section of the tactics video deals with the use of a proper launch sequence. The sequence applies to JV partners as well as prospects. Then Jeff moves through to the section about mental triggers. Most of this section would seem familiar if you have ever read Influence by Cialdini (highly recommended!).

Then Jeff outlines how you should craft an offer for your peoduct launch. This video is great value and considering it is FREE I recommend you check it out.

Jeff actually talks about the difference between tactics and strategy and also what the potential benefits of doing things right can be. The best part of all is the map showing the flow from the start to end of the process for rolling out a product launch and why it needs to be very different to the traditional squeeze page / sales letter approach people have been using …until now.

More information about the product launch formula blueprint

Tags: jeff walker, product launch formula 2, product launch formula blueprint

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