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Remy Sharp — Browsers with wings: HTML5 APIs

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • July 19, 2010

Web Directions @media 2010, Southbank Centre London, June 11 1.40pm.

  • Audio record­ing of session
  • Presentation slides
  • Session descrip­tion
  • About Remy Sharp

Presentation slides

Session descrip­tion

HTML5 is all the rage with the cool kids, and although there’s a lot of focus on the new lan­guage, there’s plenty for web app devel­op­ers with new JavaScript APIs both in the HTML5 spec and sep­a­rated out as their own W3C spec­i­fi­ca­tions. This ses­sion will take you through demos and code and show off some of the out­right crazy bleed­ing edge demos that are being pro­duced today using the new JavaScript APIs. But it’s not all pie in the sky – plenty is use­ful today, some even in Internet Explorer!

Specifically we’ll be look­ing at script­ing the video media ele­ment, 2D can­vas and some of the mashups we can achieve. How to take our web apps com­pletely offline, going beyond the cookie and HTML5’s answer to thread­ing: web workers.

About Remy Sharp

Remy Sharp is a developer, speaker, blogger, author of upcoming jQuery for Designers (Manning) and co-author of Introduction to HTML5 (New Riders). He also organises the Full Frontal JavaScript Conference and is one of the curators of HTML5 Doctor.

jQuery team member (developer relations, formally evangelism) and the developer on a fistful of JavaScript related apps, Remy loves his JavaScript and he is keen as mustard to share it with other developers.

Follow Remy on Twitter: @rem

Related presentations

  • Tom Hughes-Croucher - An introduction to server-side JavaScript
  • Dmitry Baranovskiy - Canvas
  • Christian Crumlish - Designing for play
  • Lachlan Hardy - The open web
  • Patrick Lee - One paper clip, a box of matches, and some JavaScript

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