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Customer Service Options | Social Media Marketing for Elder Care, Home Care, and Senior Service Marketing

As a quickly emerging company with lots of wonderful clients and an ever growing staff, not to mention three 2 year olds and a recently brutal travel schedule, I have been reminded about the importance of excellent customer service.

* Although we will not always agree with every customer, we can do better.

* We have come to learn very quickly who our ideal client really is, and we will make sure we use a “suitability” factor moving forward.

So with that in mind we have implemented some new customer service options that make everyone’s life easier and allow us to respond faster.

1. We now use a system called Schedulicity which allows our prospects and customers to schedule an appointment at their convenience. Here’s the link:

2. Welcome Matt, Jill and Katie to the team. They, along with Kathy, Dawn, and Bill have been doing a great job!

Welcome to our new customer service- which will be always in state of achievement and improvement. You can’t please all of the people all of the time but we are giving our best shot!!!

Here’s a related article:

by Alex Hawkinson

I have posted a fair amount recently about the increasing importance of delivering great customer service – I was reminded of this again when I came across a reference to what has become known as the “United Breaks Guitars” phenomenon. United repeatedly refused to listen and take corrective action after damaging the guitars of Dave Carroll. He eventually wrote a song in response (see video below), and the rest is history with 6 Million views and untold damage to United.

In a world where consumer and peer reviews are available via social media, positive customer experiences become amplified and produce word-of-mouth referrals. On the flip side, negative customer experiences become amplified as well and can be kryptonite to even great companies. Compare and think about the impact of the two videos below.

Customer Service is the New Marketing

It’s not rocket science. Listen to your customers. Try to deliver value to them and give them the tools to share their positive experiences. When they have negative experiences, be the first to hear them, take responsibility, and “make it right”. You’ll be surprised at how many of them you can convert into advocates.

There are no excuses. There are great tools available that cost almost nothing and enable you to be found, listen, and engage your customers in minutes a day.


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