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Sandi Wassmer — Inclusive design is for everyone

  • In: Resources
  • By:Guy Leech
  • July 19, 2010

Web Directions @media 2010, Southbank Centre London, June 11 10.45am.

  • Audio record­ing of session
  • Presentation slides
  • Session descrip­tion
  • About Sandi Wassmer

Presentation slides

Session descrip­tion

Inclusive Design is cur­rently the domain of peo­ple who design phys­i­cal things, like prod­uct design­ers and archi­tects, but Sandi Wassmer is firm in her belief that Inclusive Design applied in the online envi­ron­ment just makes sense.

The prin­ci­ples of Inclusive Design encom­pass so many of the prac­tices, prin­ci­ples and guide­lines that web design­ers are already using – Accessibility, Usability, User Centric Design, Progressive Enhancement and User Experience – but unlike each of these dis­crete prac­tices, Inclusive Design gives design­ers the abil­ity to offer choice, as a sin­gle design solu­tion will never accom­mo­date all users.

Sandi will talk about how the prin­ci­ples of Inclusive Design can be eas­ily adopted by web design­ers right now. By the end of the ses­sion you’ll have the frame­work for becom­ing an inclu­sion activist!

About Sandi Wassmer

Sandi Wassmer is a Human Rights Internet Marketer. Yes, it is a made up term, but that is the way she sees it. As Managing Director of digital agency, Copious, she is healthily obsessed with creating great internet experiences for all and building beautiful, accessible and usable websites

When Sandi is not trying to make the Internet a better place, she writes, tweets, blogs and advocates about a whole range of issues from disability rights to accessibility and social inclusion.

Follow Sandi on Twitter: @SandiWassmer

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