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Three must-​​see presentations which came out of Web Directions @media

  • In: Blog
  • By:Maxine
  • July 12, 2010

After any con­fer­ence we always do our best to share the love by cre­at­ing a pod­cast and resource page for each pre­sen­ta­tion from the event. Apologies that it has taken a bit of time to get these out there this time — we’ve had the small mat­ter of two more event sites to launch in the mean­time — but you’ll be pleased to know we’ve made a start, and the ones we started with were three of the huge hits from what was an excel­lent bunch of pre­sen­ta­tions all round.

Hannah Donovan — Telling Stories Through Design

Hannah, the cre­ative direc­tor at Last​.fm, gave a really insight­ful and gen­er­ous pre­sen­ta­tion draw­ing from her expe­ri­ences there and what she has learned about mak­ing the most of the role of the designer. Plus she had some great slides: be sure to check them out!

Relly Annett-​​Baker — All the small things

Relly’s can­did, quick­fire style made for one of the best pre­sen­ta­tions on con­tent I have seen. Specifically, it’s on the topic of Microcopy — lots of take aways for just about any­one who cre­ates web sites here.

Steve Souders — Even faster web sites

As always, web apps are evolv­ing faster than the browsers they run in. Steve dis­cusses the time-​​saving tech­niques used by the world’s most pop­u­lar web sites to cre­ate a faster user expe­ri­ence, increase rev­enue, and reduce oper­at­ing costs.

More com­ing soon!

Your opinion:


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