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More on the lead gen program for home care, elder care, and senior service providers.

So yesterday I mentioned that we have figured out the formula for excellent lead generation for home care agencies.

I guess you can add to that adult day services, assisted living, and nursing homes too.

Here's the run down for our first lead gen package (several more to come):

1. A branded/temp website (template very little customization) completely dedicated to one specific disease process – Alzheimer's, dementia, memory loss. The site itself is set up for lead capture on every page.

2. This website includes a blog, that is specific to Alzheimer's disease. (we blog for you).

3. A complete social media marketing package. (we manage for you)

4. 5 videos for branding, backlinks, and your own use. (we create for you)

5. Business directory listing on our main national Alzheimer's care site.

6. Article marketing program specific to Alzheimer's dementia and memory loss.

7. Add pay per click if you like- this package works well with google adwords or facebook ads.

Wanna peak at the custom branded site? It's amazing. Email me privately at and I'll send you a first look.

Posted via email from Marketing Elder Care and Marketing Senior Services


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