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@media is a wrap, and a huge hit

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • June 14, 2010

We’ve just wrapped up the first @media event run by Web Directions here in London, and if we say so our­selves, it’s been a huge hit.

An incred­i­ble array of speak­ers, cov­er­ing a wide range of break­ing top­ics includ­ing CSS3, HTML5, mobile web app devel­op­ment, geolo­ca­tion, but much much more as well. We’ll have most of that con­tent online in the form of slide shows and pod­casts shortly, so stay tuned here.

We also had won­der­ful sup­port from our part­ners and exhibitors Yahoo Developer Network, Microsoft, Opera Software, Mozilla and RealEx.

It was also fan­tas­tic to get the sup­port of some of the most high pro­file IT and web related media in the UK and from around the world includ­ing the Guardian, .NET Magazine, ITPros and SitePoint, as well as a host of indus­try and com­mu­nity groups like Minibar, London Web Standards, HTML5 Dr, and PHP London

There’ll be much more to say about the event in com­ing posts, but for now a huge thanks to the speak­ers, part­ners, but above all those who came along and made it such a blast.

Keep early sum­mer 2011 clear in your diary for Web Directions @media 2010, and we’ll see you in London then!

And for those of you out­side Europe, remem­ber Web Directions USA is in Atlanta in September, Web Directions South in Sydney in October, and Web Directions East in Tokyo in November.

Your opinion:


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