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SVG Contest closes Friday | Web Directions

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • June 14, 2010

Just a quick update on our “No Bit, Sherlock” com­pe­ti­tion, where you can win some great prizes like XBoxes, Mindstorms and a SONY Vaio just for build­ing an SVG but­ton, or progress control.

There’s plenty of great exam­ples you can learn from (remem­ber, “view source” is not a sin, it’s how we all learned every­thing we know!), includ­ing this one from Doug Schepers.

So, you’ve got a few days to go to town, learn some­thing new, and be very much in the run­ning for some very cool prizes.

And if you want a great look­ing overview of SVG, done in SVG, see Doug’s sides from our recent @media con­fer­ence.

Your opinion:


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