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Tweeps @media 2010 - Tweets tagged WDX

phil_interact The Tube in the summer isn't much fun. Going to use next week in London for #wdx

6 Jun 9:06 PM


SandiWassmer “@webdirections: Coming to Web Directions @media? Don't forget to sign up for Tweeps #wdx”

6 Jun 6:06 PM


aral Wishing I was at WWDC but this would preclude me from speaking at WebDirections @media next week – which I'm hugely looking forward to. #wdx

6 Jun 4:06 PM


aral 3 are lending me a MiFi to play with next week during WebDirections @media #wdx

6 Jun 4:06 PM

johnallsopp On the final stages of my 30 hour Sydney to London epic. On heathrow express, then cab at paddington. #wdx

6 Jun 12:06 PM

maxine @rem Hmm, will they be able to read your poker face? #wdx

6 Jun 10:06 AM


rem My talk at @media is during the graveyard shift, so I'm going to employ a technique to test people: I'm going to lie during my talk #wdx

6 Jun 10:06 AM


rem My interview for @media #wdx talking about my talk next week on HTML5: Browsers with Wings.

4 Jun 3:06 PM


aral Show off your SVG-fu & win a Sony Vaio, Xbox 360, or Lego Mindstorms •̥̑.̮•̥̑ #wdx

4 Jun 8:06 AM


jonathanstark It took a month, but HyperMac replaced my faulty MBP-100 for free. Glad to have it in time for my transatlantic flight next week! #wdx

3 Jun 7:06 PM

thnkcreative If you have a ticket for Web Directions @media sign up for Tweeps #wdx

2 Jun 1:06 PM


aral RT rachelandrew: If you have a ticket for Web Directions @media sign up for Tweeps #wdx

2 Jun 1:06 PM


rachelandrew If you have a ticket for Web Directions @media sign up for Tweeps #wdx

2 Jun 1:06 PM

simonowendesign #wdx #peeps @SandiWassmer @simonw @mediajunkie @rem @sh1mmer @jonathanstark @rachelandrew

2 Jun 12:06 PM

lindsayevans RT @webdirections Coming to Web Directions @media? Don't forget to sign up for Tweeps #wdx

2 Jun 12:06 PM

lindsayevans Hoping there will be a #wdxsmokersclub at #atmedia #wdx

2 Jun 10:06 AM

lindsayevans Hoping there will will be a #wdxsmokersclub at #atmedia #wdx

2 Jun 10:06 AM


mediajunkie just agreed to do boagworld big breakfast podcast at 7:30am GMT at #wdx in London on 6/11 (on engaging users & moving beyond just usability)

1 Jun 5:06 PM

johnallsopp One for #atmedia #wdx attendees Augmented Reality App Reveals London’s History > very cool /via @BillIves

27 May 9:05 PM


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