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This article contains 14 images. You will find them at the very end of the article.

This article contains 227 words.

Speakers | Web Directions USA

CSS3, HTML5, Geolocation, mobile web—we’re seeing an explosion of innovation in design and development unlike at almost any other time in the web’s history.

To keep you ahead of the curve, Web Directions USA features leading web practitioners, bringing you the freshest technologies, techniques and know-how.

  • The State of the Web Platform John Allsopp
  • Designing Obama Scott Thomas
  • 2010: The Year of Web Typography Jason Cranford Teague
  • HTML5-baked, half-baked, or ready for the table? Stephanie (Sullivan) Rewis
  • Effective and Efficient Design with CSS3 Zoe Mickley Gillenwater
  • Balancing Data-Driven & ‘Genius’ Design Ryan Freitas
  • Location, location, geolocation Jonathan Stark
  • An introduction to Server-side JavaScript Tom Hughes-Croucher
  • Agile Meets UI Esther Derby
  • Learning to Love Humans: Emotional Interface Design Aarron Walter
  • Remote research: Running effective remote studies Juliette Melton
  • Designing and Building Mobile Apps with Web Standards Brian Fling
  • HTML5 for Web Application Developers Brad Neuberg
  • Creativity, Design and Interaction with HTML5 and CSS3 Dan Rubin


  • Agile Retrospectives Esther Derby
  • Building Mobile Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Jonathan Stark
  • Know Your Users: Develop effective user experience research plans Juliette Melton


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