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Sponsor | Web Directions USA


If you’re looking to really differentiate your company, make a lasting impression and engage the web design and development community then a Web Directions sponsorship may be just the thing.

With a range of ways to genuinely engage this audience, we will find the right option to fit your profile, budget and objectives.

Web Directions provides the best possible venue to connect with an audience of leading edge web professionals – designers, developers, IAs, administrators, product and project managers – the people whose day to day job is building and managing great web sites, applications and services, as well as managers, executive and business owners. If this community is important for your business then we will find the right platform for you.

Sponsors name in lights on the main stage (photo credit: JJ Halans)

For full pricing and other details

Alan Duncan

The Sponsorship Office


Phone: +61 (0)403 615 205


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