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Article Marketing | Social Media Marketing for Elder Care, Home Care, and Senior Service Marketing

2010 is on our heels, and it’s time to do some very fast and important planning for the year ahead. I’ve often said that this economic climate is an environment that shouts “survival of the smartest” marketers and business owners.

This year we focus on the future, and the future is digital and online. Your prospects (adult children of aging parents and baby-boomers) are reaching out online to find you, and frankly my friends they had better find two things.

1. They had better find YOU or they will turn to your competition.

2. When they find you, your website had best be professional, interactive, web 2.0 friendly, and not look like it was designed by your cousin in 2001.

Having said that you need to make sure your social media marketing is up to speed, your SEO is correct, and your website rocks.

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