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John Resig speaking at @media

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • February 18, 2010

That’s right, some­one we’ve been try­ing for lit­er­ally years to get to come and speak at one of our events, John Resig, father of JQuery, is speak­ing on JavaScript test­ing at @media in London in June.

As web appli­ca­tions mature, the need to test sys­tem­at­i­cally and thor­oughly is becom­ing increas­ingly impor­tant, and few peo­ple are more expe­ri­enced in these mat­ters than John. If you are a pro­fes­sional web devel­oper, this really is an increas­ingly core skill to have. So, let John Resig get you up to speed.

Couple this with ses­sions like Steve Souders on web site and appli­ca­tion per­for­mance, Remy Sharp’s ses­sion on HTML5 for web app devel­op­ers, and Matt Biddulph on mak­ing your web appli­ca­tions and sites geo-​​aware, and this really is, if we say so our­selves, an amaz­ing lineup.

And that’s just some of the devel­oper track sessions.

Remember, early bird pric­ing of just £449 (£399 for past atten­dees) is avail­able until March 1st.

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