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SVG and IE9 | Web Directions

SVG and IE9

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • March 17, 2010

Today at MIX, Microsoft announced the first devel­oper pre­view ver­sion of IE9, a far from fin­ished, but usable look at where IE is headed. Microsoft will update this pre­view very cou­ple of months or so.

There’s a great deal new, and much for us in the web design and devel­op­ment com­mu­nity to be encour­aged by, and you can learn more in a series of posts at the IEBlog.

While HTML5 and CSS3 are cur­rently get­ting a lot of atten­tion, IE9 will sup­port SVG, mak­ing it the last of the major browser to do so. While won­der­ful shims like Raphaël from Australia’s own Dmitry Baranovskiy (which pro­vides a JavaScript inter­face for SVG and Microsoft’s SVG-​​like VML), and Google’s SVGWeb which trans­par­ently adds sup­port for SVG in IE ver­sions 8 and older using Flash (devel­op­ers only need to add a link to the library and their SVG works in IE via the magic of Flash), hav­ing full native sup­port of a stan­dard vec­tor for­mat is a big step in the devel­op­ment of the web.

At @media in London in June, Doug Schepers, the W3C’s go to guy for SVG is pre­sent­ing the timely “SVG Today and Tomorrow” — a get up to speed quick ses­sion for design­ers and devel­op­ers on SVG. Just another rea­son to get to the event, which we believe fea­tures our best lineup yet, and indeed one the best line­ups of experts cov­er­ing rel­e­vant up to the minute top­ics you’ll ever see.

And for those look­ing for a quick primer on SVG, there’s a chap­ter ded­i­cated to it (and HTML5 Canvas) in my Developing with Web Standards

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