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Introducing #wdx | Web Directions

Introducing #wdx

  • In: Blog
  • By:Maxine
  • March 18, 2010

There have been words out and about regard­ing the name of our London event for this year, Web Directions @media. To explain a lit­tle where that name has come from, the con­fer­ence this time around is a hybrid as we take over the reins of the highly regarded London event, @media, as run by Vivabit since 2005. So we decided on “Web Directions @media” as the name of the event.

Things have been a bit tricky, for obvi­ous rea­sons, when it comes to what hash­tag peo­ple should be using for the event, in par­tic­u­lar when it is referred to on Twitter. After con­sid­er­able thought we have decided that now might be the time to pull all Web Directions events under the same hash­tag, so let me intro­duce to you #wdx.

Our think­ing on this is that the use­ful­ness of hash­tags is very time spe­cific, so it doesn’t mat­ter that Web Directions @media 2010 will have the same hash­tag as Web Directions South 2010, for exam­ple. When we are one day hold­ing simul­ta­ne­ous events, we will solve that prob­lem :). The impor­tant thing was to come up with some­thing short and mem­o­rable, and unlikely to be used too fre­quently for some­thing other than a Web Directions event.

It will really help us if you could start using #wdx any time you refer to a Web Directions event, and in par­tic­u­lar it will help make things like Tweeps and Web Directions NOW very super cool indeed.

#wdx, your time starts now :)

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