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The Myths of Innovation — Remixed and Remastered

  • In: Blog
  • By:Maxine
  • March 11, 2010

A few years back, Scott Berkun gave one of the most highly regarded pre­sen­ta­tions we have ever had at a Web Direc­tions event. It was called the Myths of Inno­va­tion, and peo­ple still but­ton­hole me to say how great it was, or to bemoan the fact that their life­time regret will be that they slept in, hun­gover from the rockin’ party the night before, and missed the Fri­day morn­ing keynote at Web Direc­tions South 2007.

Check it out for your­self — after the con­fer­ence we pub­lished the slides, pod­cast, and even a tran­script at our resources site. It really is a great read or listen.

The really great news is that three years on, Scott is going to remix and remas­ter The Myths of Inno­va­tion for our open­ing keynote at Web Direc­tions @media.

Hype and tall tales dom­i­nate our knowl­edge of inno­va­tion his­tory, and with­out aware­ness of the truth, we are set up to fail as cre­ators, pro­gres­sives, engi­neers and design­ers in our own time. This fun, fast paced, provoca­tive keynote, based on a fresh take from the best­selling book The Myths of Inno­va­tion, will dis­sect the deep­est mytholo­gies and the lat­est mis­guided hype laden mar­ket­ing pro­pa­ganda, reveal­ing the truths about good ideas and progress that any­one can use in their own work.

So, check out The Myths of Inno­va­tion (part 1), and get excited about see­ing Part 2 in Lon­don in June: it’s going to be an incred­i­bly good start to a fan­tas­tic cou­ple days, I just know it!

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