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State of the web survey — closes today

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • March 2, 2010

A quick note for those web design­ers and devel­op­ers out there who’ve not yet taken this year’s “State of the Web” sur­vey — it closes today, so if you have a few min­utes, please head along and take it.

The sur­vey, fol­lows up on last years and aims to get a snap­shot of the tech­nolo­gies and tech­niques web pro­fes­sion­als like you are using right now.

Like last year we’ll pub­lish the anonymized data in full, along with a detailed analy­sis, com­par­isons with last year’s results, and of course lots of pretty graphs.

To top it off, any­one who does the sur­vey instantly receives a PDF copy of Scroll Mag­a­zine edi­tions 1 and 2, and there’ll be prizes includ­ing copies of my book “Devel­op­ing with Web Stan­dards”, and even tick­ets to Web Directions.

Thanks to those who’ve taken the sur­vey to date,and the more we get, the more use­ful the results will be.

Your opinion:


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