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@media early bird registration extended to March 7th

  • In: Blog
  • By:John
  • March 2, 2010

A quick note for those think­ing about attend­ing @media — we’ve (as has become some­thing of a tra­di­tion) extended the super early bird dis­count of £100 off until March 7th. So, if you’d thought you’d missed out, you’ve got a few more days to reg­is­ter at this pretty amaz­ing price.

And (free) places at the Boag­world Big Break­fast on Fri­day the 11th (includes break­fast) are fast run­ning out — so reg­is­ter for the con­fer­ence to secure your place.

We’ve got a num­ber of announce­ments planned for the com­ing weeks as we head toward the con­fer­ence, so stay tuned. @media in June is going to be pretty spe­cial, we promise.

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