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A Sneaky Reverse Name Squeeze Technique For Wordpress Blogs

Posted by James in List Building

This subject of Reverse Name Squeezing has crossed my path a few times in the last week. First Jeff Walker was discussing the concept in his video content (and using it himself) and then I noticed someone using a very sneaky method for squeezing names indeed. The guy using the sneaky technique has a large list of subscribers and he uses a clever script to increase subscription rates far beyond his prior benchmarks.

First, what is a reverse name sqeeze?

This is where you give the content FIRST, then capture a name. It lets the visitor see value and build trust before they surrender the valuable information. If you buy or sell anything online you will know people are reluctant to be pressured into anything. Some people will leave a traditional squeeze page (just a name and email capture with only a sales message) without leaving any details and feeling worse for being brought there in the first place. The reverse name squeeze halps solve that issue.

So how do you reverse name squeeze?

Simply put a name capture box next to valuable content or on a pop-in or exit pop-up on the page. This way the visitor decides if the value is there before opting in for more. I am sure you will agree they are more likely to stay subscribed if you treat them right. In some cases you may show a video first, in other examples offer a free download like a mind map or a PDF they can have without opt-in and then they can opt in if they like it. I have used that for very high conversions.

Added benefits

As you are getting more qualified prospects you are also able to optmize your page better for search engine and pay-per-click traffic. The really cool thing about having content with a name capture is you get the right people visiting and you start the trust and relationship from the beginning.

Sneaky wordpress plugin

If you want to let visitors see a certain number of pages and THEN ask them to subscribe you could try using this wordpress plugin for reverse name squeezing. You set the message and autoresponder details, and also the number of pages viewed before the blog is ‘locked’. This is the same tactic that has brought plenty of new subscribers to one very switched on marketer I know.

Check out the plugin

Tags: how to name squeeze, reverse name sqeeze reverse name capture, wordpress plugin, wordpress tools

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