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Eben Pagan Altitude DVD Course Review

Posted by James in Conversions

Eben Pagans Altitude was a $10,000 seminar. Now the Altitude home study course is being released. Altitude was revolutionary and now you can access the same core training program for high performance businesses. Use the $10 million dollar template to build a company that goes to at least a $1 million dollars a year or, if you follow everything you can make it to the $10 million dollars a year level.

Get More Time

When I was in L.A earlier this year at Yaniks Underground seminar one of the speakers who captured my attention was Eben Pagan. He did not grow up wealthy, in fact he grew up in a trailer and is now a self made millionaire. I still have a timer on my desk that helps me stay sharp by keeping my work time to small focused chunks. This is just one of the many ideas that have made a tremendous impact on me.

Stay Sharp

The routine Eben teaches for productivity relates to drinking water, exercise and keeping yourself in a strong mental state. When you work from home you really need to keep a handle on your time. I also set my office up to keep focus and engage in one project at a time. I only check my email once or twice a day. I have email on a seperate computer to the one I do projects on. At the back of my office are the folders for projects. I only have one folder on my desk at any time. This transformation has made a huge and profound impact.

Words Of Wisdom

I was fortunate enough to catch up with Eben in Las Vegas for a zero G flight. The early arrival gave me some time to catch up and we discussed his career progression and mine as well. He told me some great information that really motivated me and set me in motion for my own transition to entrepreneurship. I am thankful to have had this opportunity and he really knows a lot about the topics of personal and business performance.

Eben Pagan and James Schramko

The techniques and teachings of Eben are so similar to what I have learned from reading hundreds of books. “Fail fast” and “Make It Happen” are concepts that have rewarded me. I guess I have read many of the same books as Eben. I read hundreds in my business career and so did Eben. Eben likes the four hour work week style of business, Peter Drucker, Gerber, Covey and W Edwards Deming…

Not always a success

Eben was asked to repeat pre-school and was a B Grade student at school until he quit early. He then travelled around with a rock band. He then realized he neede to learn about people to get ahead. He studied them and then the masters of human behaviour. His success is clearly an application nof these learnings. He now runs a company with over 80 people from home and he has a 20 Million dollar turnover business that helps add value to other people.

Learning Leverage

Eben learned everything from other people. He is “standing on the shoulders of giants”. From the age of 15 he worked with a coppersmith doing manual labour. Eben then learned that you could come to work every day and do something that was not fun and that you could have some fullfillment by creating things of value. I love how Eben Pagan approaches success and wealth. He is very conscious about the success traits and how the new mindset of strategies and approaches of success are evolving. Success is more than just money and wealth. Eben teaches the method of helping other become successful.

What is included in the course?

Ebens Five Keys To Success

- Language

People need to learn how use great language.

- Communication

People are not paying attention to how they communicate and connect.

- Marketing

Advertising and writing compelling sales letters. Marketing is the art of leveraging yourself. Direct response involves communicating your entire message without you being there.

Eben gives away some great nuggets on story telling and how people buy into ‘you’.

- Sales

You need to be able to sell. Experts who learn sales can be highly marketing. There are lots of experts in the world but few who can sell properly. The fact is, when you learn sales you can start the consultative process towards providing solutions. The very best sales people ask questions.

- Public Speaking

This is something many people fear. The reason Eben has come up with relates to rejection and physical pain. So public speaking represents a challenge that many people find scary. If you can overcome this then you will be truly be able to achieve success.

The great news is that you can learn all of these skills. Once you have these mastered you will be a long way down the track to success. Eben teaches you how to set yourself free where you can always be in demand, always create value.

Eben mentions his version of success. Fullfillment and wealth relate to Knowledge, Systems and Assets that create value. Doing meaningful and fullfilling things is the keyw to being wealthy and happy.

Five keys to Building Great Business


You need to develop and grow yourself. You need to quit multi-tasking and stick to focussing on singular chunks of time. Do things that are fully enaging (for business) and fully dis-engaged (for rejuvination).

- Your Market

You need to create things that your market wants to buy. When it comes to your market make sure you have the golden rule covered – look for prospects who are looking for you. This is a simple and effective rule. You don’t want to have to talk people into wanting your product. You want to serve a market that is looking for something you can provide. It is easier to sell your existing clients another product than looking for more clients.

- Your Marketing

This relates to everything relating to the way you advertise. Eben uses wholistic marketing which is combining direct response marketing and brand marketing. Applying direct and brand marketing together depending on what you need at the time. The marketing for each situation requires a different marketing mix.

- People

You can’t escape the need for having a team. You need to have stars of high quality working with you to leverage your business. Almost all wealthy businesses have many people working with them. You want to attract smart people who can deliver impact. Hiring people (or outsourcing) will require an environment where you can have people doing the best thing for you.

- Systems

Eben covers the same techniques as the emyth Michael Gerber. Then he covers the Harvard model where they find very smart people and let them design a system. The more complex a situation the more freedom is required. For repetitive tasks you need to make a procedure for them. Dial in the mix required for the situation.

If you can get time effoprt and energy into these things you can be ahead of the curve and build a business that sets you free so you can live your life.

Who is this For?

For entrepreurs and business people. You will be learning about the common traps we tend to get ourselves into and how to avoid them. The fastest way to get the same information and model a 20 million dollar a year business mind is to get the consolidated experiences in the form of this Get Altitude homestudy DVD set. Things like the inevitable busines model can shape your thinking dramatically. You figure out how to put together a killer team that can help you get to the next letter by stacking the conditions until the outcome becomes inevitable. This program will help you save a LOT of time trying to find this information by getting the efficiency of leveraging Eben Pagans’ experience and knowledge.


If you want to learn how to focus on the right things, what to outsource and how to simply get more done in less time, this is for you. If you want to know how to feel good, have energy and build your business fast, this will help you. Fact: I have Get Altitude and it has helped me. It gets my highest recommendation for anyone who runs a business even if it is based at home .. Get Altitide Home Study DVD

Tags: 4 hour work week, advertising, altitude home study DVD, build your business, career transition, copyriting, direct marketing, eben pagan, eben pagan altitude, eben pagan course, engagement, entreprenuer, get altitude, home study course, Marketing, performance business, personal effectiveness, peter drucker, time management, water exercise, week style

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