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Is the iPhone the greatest tool EVER for Internet Marketers?

Posted by James in Affiliate, How To, Lifestyle, Video

The truth is, I can’t live without my iPhone!

Pretty strong statement however it has had such a profound impact on my effectiveness. At first I was scared of being ‘owned’ by the iPhone however the truth was the opposite. The iPhone has provided freedom. Let’s take a look at the main reasons why the iPhone is such a game changer for serious Internet Marketers.


Look up the weather when packing so that you get it right! Use the iPhone on roaming when you arrive and you can make phone calls as soon as you land. Operate your Gmail on the fly and it updates online with any other device. When I travel I can alternate between iPhone and Macbookpro without any loss of effectiveness. Use the iPhone in the car, the back of a workshop or at the beach where a laptop is unwelcome. The mac is better for hotel rooms or in the home office. The currency conversion is rather handy when you are trying to figure out what Dirham, Pound or Euro is worth versus the AUD or USD or Peso…. The alarm and timezone features are especially handy when overseas ensuring that you never miss a seminar workshop or limo. (I often laugh at the fact that I only ever set an alarm when I am on ‘holiday’ rather than at home!).

Media on the fly

When you catch an overseas flight these days you plane will have a USB port on the seat in front of you. Just power up the iPhone and you have mp3 and m4v movies to watch. This is a great way to consume audio books and info products. I load up gigabytes worth of sound files and the longer trips to L.A, Dubai or London become so much shorter! The Youtube player lets you tap into the massive video market at anytime when on the ground. This is handy if you need to see what the hot trends are.

Content creation powerhouse

Imagine the power of creating audio, pictures and videos anywhere. And you can load the video and pictures to Facebook, Youtube or Wordpress anytime. I am able to document a travel trip as I experience it and retain a huge social media following by engagement. The Wordpress app allows you to BLOG from the iPhone. Throw in a few apps like facebook and Tweetie and you are in the social spectrum within minutes. Note when I stream audio and videos from my own site I download and convert them from .mov to .mp3 and .flv for more user friendly streaming.

Keep control of stuff

You can track analytics, paypal, email expenses, stockmarket and airline flight times with a few simple apps. There is no excuse to ‘not know’. The calculator on the iPhone is easy to use and very handy for when you are doing metrics and cost per client etc…. The safari browser lets you access just about anything on the web. The countdown timer is uber special for getting in control of Parkinson’s law (jobs expand to fill the time available!).

Never get lost again

Compass and Google maps should see to that. You can find out where you are at anytime and it saves having to ask strangers for directions. You can pinpoint your location and enter a destination for instructions.


WOW! this application is my on board filing cabinet. I put all of my projects into it and it is the basis for all my info products. When I am on mentoring calls, webinars or just walking the beach I throw bullet points into project topics and I am building a weapon of mass profit! Things syncs with Mac over wireless. It receives input from excel, word, plain txt with ease.

Are you making presentations?

Then you need the Keynote app. It lets you glide through your macbook presentations via remote and it even has countdown timer and notes for you. Just swipe the screen left or right and you have the next slide.


The SMS feature has a very nice interface with colored bubbles. It is especially handy when you are overseas because it is cheaper than phone calls.

Easy Contacts & iCal

Put a picture of your contacts next their details so you can see them when they call you. The calendar syncs with iCal for mac so you can effortlessly have every schedule tuned in.

Tips for overseas

Install a local SIM card to save on call costs. Divert your standard number to the new one or leave a voice message advising the new number whilst on tour. It is easy to rack up a few thousand dollars if you leave the data roaming ON!


Because the iPhone is so useful i am finding it has reduced my hours on the desk. I can keep an eye on things occasionally when out so I don’t need to think about ‘what am I Missing’. Emergencies can be fixed faster should they occur. I have field tested the iPhone from the Jungles of Belize with just a wireless connection for a week and was able to run my business from it. Naturally this assumes you have some automation and a few good systems in place in your business. I also love how well the iPhone and Mac play together. The iPhone was the reason I bought a mac. I thought if is THIS good then the mac must be awesome. I was right. These will be topics for future lessons.

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Tags: data roaming, facebook, how to be productive, internet marketer, internet marketing, iphone, iphone app, iphone apps, mac, macbook, make your own info product, save time, sim card, things for mac, travel, travel tips, twitter, work from home, youtube

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