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FREE can be very expensive

Posted by James in Blog, Conversions, How To, Marketing, Product creation, Tool, Traffic

Fact: Many companies go bust. Many online marketers never make $100,000, $10,000, $1000 or even $100 profit.

Fact: Some people who attempt an online business should never have attempted it. They go in with the wrong mindset from the start.

One mantra I have seen over and over again is the most cruel one of all:

“everything can be gotten for FREE”

You do not have to look hard to find people who promote this concept. They are often the ones taking positions in free forums with childish forum profiles like smokinjoeblazer36 (no offense if there is an actual smokinjoeblazer36).

They hide in there

Giving such great advice to other forum goers and the mentality just spreads. New entrants to internet marketing are infected with the ‘free-itis’ disease and that is one reason why we see such a large number of failures.

There are also some forum heroes who sneakily use their real name to build trust, but still play the tune of ‘free’ and money miser. They have a merry following of lemmings who will happily throw themselves over the cliffs of self written article marketing, trying to make a six figure a year income by believing the ‘everything you need is here’ B.S from free forums and many other plausible yet ridiculous failure enhancing activities.

Even some of the biggest ‘article marketers’ of all are telling people to write articles yet at the same time they are SELLING e-products with affiliates and memberships to make an income. Hello!!!, are you with me here?

FACT: Many of the good free forums have a paid section. This is for good reason. It keeps the quality up and the ill-informed and ignorant whiners out.

Don’t get me wrong

I’m not saying that forum advice is all wrong…. it is just that you won’t find many multi-millionaires who list free forums as their number one training resource. In fact it is usually the products of the millionaires being bad-mouthed in free forums because they ……wait for it…..cost money… dare they charge for compiling and testing information that could make you wealthy….

Most people who conduct business online in any sort of profitable way

…. have already figured out something vitally important.

You need to invest in your business to leverage it

In fact one formula for making a great success is knowledge X action.

When you pay for expert knowledge you reduce the amount of time it would take you to learn this for free. In MANY cases the information you are investing in is NOT available in free forums.

Some people get really outraged by success

It confronts their sense of self failure and they feel compelled to spread the anger. They attack successful people and look for faults. Guess what they find? Justification for failure.

Leverage Facts

If you can pay for knowledge that improves short term results and productivity why wouldn’t you invest in that? Let’s look at the other part of the equation. Because some people don’t take action even when they do invest in knowledge.

Taking action is not enough.

Taking action on the right things is the key. Much of the free advice you find is WRONG. As soon as you start buying advice you increase the chance of getting good advice because the seller is now accountable. I shudder when I read some of the utter crap in free forums. Nobody calls them to task because they are not paying or they don’t know.

Recently I have observed first hand a great example of a knowledge system that almost takes care of the action part on auto-pilot. There is a product other businesses are using and every serious business needs. I have been using it and made MASSIVE changes. Remember I used to run a multi-million dollar business and I am able to spot B.S when I see it.

I put it to the test

Having gone over two of the five modules in the last few weeks I have already increased sales, reduced the few refunds I get and increased my profit margins. I loved it so much I brought it with me on vacation!. In fact I have ordered a new kick butt high level CRM, shopping cart and affiliate system to harness all of this new business I am building in 2009.

This system also works with your business.

The best part is the knowledge requires almost no -inertia for action to happen. It is like a frictionless business builder that almost does the work for you as you consume it. It does come at a price.

Warning: when it comes to applying business knowledge it has been my observation that most people have desire yet they find resistance to act. This causes them to feel that investment is not worthwhile. They go back to the forum to bitch about it and slump back to their day job….

If there was a specific system that gave you specific actions with no thinking required that guarantees a massive positive change for a small investment would you get it?

Click Here to Grow Your Business

Tags: Article Marketing, business profit, business profit system, formula for growing business, free advice sucks, free forums, grow your business, invest in yourself, money miser, taking positions, whiners, written article

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