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Real estate press releases

I still remember the moment a Wall Street Journal reporter returned my call and said he wanted to do the story I had proposed. Wow, what an adrenaline rush that was!

It took a couple of weeks to work with the reporter to gather the quotes and facts, but when the article came out, our phones were ringing off the hook.

As an experienced writer for real estate media, I know what it takes to write a real estate press release that newspapers, trade journals, and your prospective clients will notice.

I've successfully pitched artices to the Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Business Journal, Orange County Business Journal, Los Angeles Times, Orange County Register, and numerous newspapers and trade publications.

How would you like me to write you a powerful press release that can turn you into the local expert in your chosen niche?

Partnering with a leading news distribution service that saturates the web (including Google News and Yahoo News) with tens of thousands of copies of your press release, I'll craft a story with a professional look and feel and expert-sounding quotes.

On top of all that, I'll use my real estate SEO expertise to optimize it for search engines with powerful keywords links back to your website.

Let me show you what I can do.

Reserve your own custom-written real estate press release with me today. I'll work with you to write it and distribute it at a time of your choosing.

Have writer's block? That's okay, because I do all the work. I'll personally consult with you and craft a subject and article that promotes your unique real estate business.

I look forward to helping you promote your business with a Real Estate Press Release!

Custom Written Press Release Order Form



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