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E-Newsletter Marketing/Autoresponder Follow Up | Elder Care Social Media Marketing and Senior Service Social Media Marketing

E-Newsletter Marketing/Autoresponder Follow Up

Already done for you… zero hassle, increase customer referrals, retention, and new business.

If you don’t have regular, predictable communication with your customers, you’re not only allowing them to forget about you, but you’re also leaving tons of money on the table; money that will end up going to one of your competitors.

You must stay in front of your customers for them to remember you.  You can easily double or triple you revenue by simply implementing a customer retention and referral system.

It’s easy to do… and it’s just as easy not to do, but when you do nothing to retain customers, know that you throwing future money away that should be yours.

Protect your Greatest Asset

As may have already come to realize, a senior services business’ greatest asset is its customer database.  So you are on the right path to growing a successful business.  A customer continuity program will help you grow your business faster, and cost you less money than almost any other marketing system.

Keeping in touch with your customers on a regular, predictable basis, allows you create a relationship with them, stay in the forefront of their thoughts, communicate deals and special offers your running, and allows your customers to get to know your company on a personal level.

A customer e-newsletter is an ideal way to keep in touch on a regular, predictable basis and provides you a vehicle for requesting referrals and repeat business that you’re sure to get. Remember, these are people who already chose you once, and assuming you did a good job, they will, without hesitation choose or recommend you again.

What you get:

-12 Customized Newsletters in HTML format, all content provided, evergreen, not date specific.

- 6 Customized Newsletters that YOU provide the content for throughout the year. (Holidays, Spring, Summer, Special Invitations, Events etc)

What you need:

You will need to sign up for an autoresponder system here:

Cost: $450 – flat fee, 18 newsletters total.

Click Here To Purchase the E-Newsletter Package.


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