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Another Major Reason Why Most Internet Marketers Fail (and What You Can Do To Fix It)

Posted by James in Affiliate, Guru, How To, List Building, Marketing, Resource, Video, productivity, success

It pains me to see so many people fail when they try and get online. Go to any public forum and you will see the desperation and bitterness from those who have invested time and energy into this amazing business only to see it fade away. They once had the motivation and the mindset in place yet they came up empty to the point where they are worn out and often resent anyone who has achieved success.

Most people are making the same mistake

A huge number for products focus on mindset, tactics and onetime strategies that become obsolete fast (if they EVER worked!). It is tempting for people to jump in and get busy ‘taking action’ only to fail. This is assuming that they get over the massive overload most marketers are faced with in the first place.

Taking Action will NOT make you successful unless…

All the time well meaning people are shouting (in caps) TAKE ACTION!. Well guess what? If I dived into the sea here and started swimming east towards New Zealand (from Sydney) I would probably drown. It would not matter how great a swimmer I was or how determined and focused I was on swimming to the end goal. It is just not possible! Mindset and action are not enough.

This is the REAL secret

It is a matter of doing the right things. I know that seems like simple advice however this is the key element. Take action on the right things (and don’t worry about being a perfectionist) and you WILL see magnificent things happen.

Why not model yourself from someone who has already been there?

I’m revealing the exact same high level Internet Marketing techniques I used to propel my business to the seven figure a year mark in record time. People often pay up to $3,997 to learn some of these strategies one-on-one and now I am letting you have access to the raw summary.

You see the key point is this: “It’s not about the website”:

Instead you need to learn the right things such as:

* How to ‘think’ like a 7 Figure business operator

* What research factors make getting success ten times easier

* The three types of traffic to look for and how to get loads of it!

* Why recurring income is essential for explosive income growth

* How to construct a ‘Mafia offer’ your prospects simply cannot refuse

* The one word technique that doubled my business in just one month!

Concentrated information

I created a 22 minute ‘condensed’ information product called “It’s not about the website. It was produced after 17 hours of grueling one-on-one master mentoring sessions. This is the raw Video, PDF and MP3 summary version without any hype or fluff. I decided not to turn it into a fancy home study course (YET!) so that more people can have access to the information for a fraction of the investment. You have NO excuse not to jump all over this at this launch investment price!

Now you can take action!

In just a few minutes from now you will possess a solid workable formula that will be the foundation to propelling your Internet Business at lightning speed. I know you can succeed when you apply these strategies because they are RIGHT and they work.

Click Here To watch an introduction video

Tags: 7 figure marketer, how to internet marketing, information overload, internet marketing strategy, internet marketing training, internet marketing video, james schramko, learn internet marketing, online sales methods, take action

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